OpenVPN 一键部署脚本


[root@VM-0-10-centos ~]# wget && bash            #执行安装脚本
This server is behind NAT. What is the public IPv4 address or hostname?
Public IPv4 address / hostname []:       #监听的IP默认即可
Which protocol should OpenVPN use?
   1) UDP (recommended)
   2) TCP
Protocol [1]: 2             #协议我这里使用TCP
What port should OpenVPN listen to?
Port [1194]:                #端口可以额外制定,或者默认
Select a DNS server for the clients:
   1) Current system resolvers
   2) Google
   4) OpenDNS
   5) Quad9
   6) AdGuard
DNS server [1]: 3                       #DNS我这里选择1.1.1.1 DNS
Enter a name for the first client:
Name [client]: test                     #创建用户
The client configuration is available in: /root/test.ovpn
New clients can be added by running this script again.
[root@VM-0-10-centos ~]# sz /root/test.ovpn    #下载证书,导入到openvpn gui即可


[root@VM-0-10-centos ~]# sh    #再次执行脚本
OpenVPN is already installed.
Select an option:
   1) Add a new client
   2) Revoke an existing client
   3) Remove OpenVPN
   4) Exit
Option: 1               #添加用户
Provide a name for the client:
Name: abcdocker             #输入用户名
Using SSL: openssl OpenSSL 1.0.2k-fips  26 Jan 2017
Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to '/etc/openvpn/server/easy-rsa/pki/easy-rsa-5247.r1ZDxL/tmp.XGjs4R'
Using configuration from /etc/openvpn/server/easy-rsa/pki/easy-rsa-5247.r1ZDxL/tmp.ZrbsWZ
Check that the request matches the signature
Signature ok
The Subject's Distinguished Name is as follows
commonName            :ASN.1 12:'abcdocker'
Certificate is to be certified until Jan  7 05:39:30 2032 GMT (3650 days)
Write out database with 1 new entries
Data Base Updated
abcdocker added. Configuration available in: /root/abcdocker.ovpn   #导出证书

OpenVPN GUI下载:点击下载
